Select, load and parse source files for doczar format documentation comments. Render html output to a configured disk location.

option description
o, out Selects a directory to fill with documentation output. The directory need not exist or be empty.
i, in Selects files to document. Parses nix-like wildcards using glob. doczar does not parse directories - you must select files.
j, js, jsmod Loads the filename with required and documents every required source file.
with Include a prebuilt standard library in the documentation.
dev Display Components marked with the @development modifier.
api Display only Components marked with the @api modifier.
raw Log events as json strings instead of pretty printing them.
json Create an index.json file in each directory instead of a rendered index.html.
date Explicitly set the datestamp on each page with any Date-compatible string.

Additional Documentation Pages



The quantum of doczar documentation. Every Component has its own directory and html page in the final output. Codifies type, expected location and useful information about a unit of data or functionality. The ultimate goal is to produce and render a Finalization.


Roots a document tree and builds all the Components that live inside it. Looks up and creates Components by path. Centralizes finalization and filesystem output.


Options for generating the documentation.


Digs document comments out of source files, splits them into Declarations and Modifiers, then reports everything it finds to a ComponentCache instance.


Syntax information and regular expressions used throughout doczar. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.